Enou-nouna Moreh-da hourakpa erang aduna maram oeduna Manipur Government-na Ministry of Home Affairs-dage ashok apan amadi emergency-da shijanna-naba haiduna helicopter-nikhre. Matang chana laikatnaba ngamdabana leikhidaba state force kaya yaore.

Read the news article here Telegraph I Archived


Erang ashige marak ashida Facebook-ta missile-ge photo shijannaduna thadou maron-da ashumna eramba thengnei“Moreh a helicopter kapnadiati u chu hung lhung te ati uve by moreh volunteer c&p”. Caption ashibu Meiteilon-da handokpa matamdadi ‘Moreh-da lakpa helicopter kapnaba yourakpa khutlai shingni haina Moreh volunteer-na haiye’ hairi.

View claim here Facebook I Archived

Fact Check:

Pao ashige achum aran thidoknaba hotnabada ahanba oena Fact Crescendo-na Google Reverse Imagae search shijannaduna photo ashibu reverse image search touba matamdadi DevianArt haina kouba art community amada photo ashi 2010-ge June-ge tarik 17-da thagatlamba thengnei.


View website here DeviantArt I Archived

View image uploaded on DeviantArt I Archived

Makha tana thijanbada Image ashimak Russian Website amada July 2012-ge tarik 15-da thagatlammi amashun khutlai shing ashibu fangbage asha lei haiduna eerare.

View article here ArmyRecognition.Com I Archived


Image from DeviantArt Image from the Russian website

Article shing ashidage image ashi Manipur-ge natte haiba khangba ngamle makha tarakpa oena claim image aduga article shing-da fangba image shing adu compare touba matamdadi hiram amata khetnaba uba fangde.


Fact Crescendo-na thijanluba shing adudage phanglakpa mayam aduna praman oeduna haiba ngamle madudi claim aduda hairiba adugumna Moreh-da volunteer shingna khutlai ashi thambage praman natte, claim ashida shijannariba image ashi mapan-lamgi Russian RPG-7V rocket-ki ariba 2010 aduwaige oeba image-ni maram aduna claim adu aranbani.


Title:Moreh volunteer shing khutlai paiduna sem sakhre.

Written By: FC Manipur

Result: Misleading